Design Research of Dynamic Systems | by Waishan QIU
New Minsheng Wharf:
Accessible, Resilient and Tech-Oriented
3rd Prize, 2018 Shanghai Urban Design Challenge
Site: Minsheng Wharf, Pudong District, Shanghai, China
Client: Urban Planning Department
International Competition | 10/2018
Team with: Nan XIE (AAP, Cornell University)
In this international urban design competition, we envisioned a new Minsheng Wharf through the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Aided Planning approach. Data from Dazhongdianping, Strava Sports Map, Gaode Map API, and Baidu Street View Images were integrated to analyze the street network and public space characteristics. Based on the spatial analysis, the plan proposed to develop more Accessible, Aesthetic & Active street space to attract residences and visitors to the site. New technology such as urban farming, autonomous boat systems are proposed to create the Resilient & Recreational waterfront as well as the
Tech-oriented transformation.