Resilient LINKAGE won 3rd Prize in 2016 SUDC
Competition: 2016 SUDC上海城市设计挑战赛 Award: 3rd Prize ResilientLINK proposal for Xujiahui Sports Park won the 3rd Prize in 2016 Shanghai Urban...

Hengfu Lifestyle awarded Finalist, 2016 Shanghai Urban Design Challenge
Xuhui Lifestyle, a regeneration proposal for Hengshan-fuxing Rd Area (衡复历史文化保护区) was selected to the finalist in the 2016 Shanghai Urban...

Porous Neighborhood Presented to Broward County, FL
Porous Neighborhood | Resilient Urban Design Proposal in Florida Urban Design Studio 2015, mentored by Prof. Adele Santos, Prof. Alan...

Working on the Book "Rural-Urbanism" at MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism
Waishan works at Project Assistant with Prof. Adele Santos and Prof. Rafi Segal on their new design research book Rural-Urbanism. It is a...

Food Wharf Proposal was presented at the World Heritage Forum, Shanghai Jiaotong University
The proposal of Food Wharf | Regeneration of Minsheng Dock (民生码头更新)was presented to Officials from Shanghai Municipal Government,...

Interview by GOOOOD
Waishan QIU was interviewed by GOOOOD (谷德), an emerging and one of the most popular online design content platform in China. Four...

Farming Community won 3rd Prize in 2012 NGBDC by China Green Building Association
Farming Community | Green Corridor with Urban Agriculture AWARD: 2012 National Green Buildings Design Competition, 3rd Prize, by 'China...